Saving items

While creating and editing items, save frequently to avoid losing changes due to network or server issues. When you save an item it goes to the Sandbox area, where all your in-process items are stored on the server. Every time you preview an item, you see it as students see it (Standard View) and the system also saves a copy to the Sandbox.

To save an item:

Select either Save or Preview .  

Note: Previewing saves and validates the XML content of an item. If you mostly use the Save button, periodically check for XML errors by clicking Validate File and correcting any errors that display.

Completing items

When you finish an item, you store it in the library where other authors who have permission to see your items can view them. This is called committing an item. The system moves the item from the Sandbox to the library when you commit it. The Displayed Version status area shows the location of the item you're viewing (Library or Sandbox).

The final step is to publish an item. Publishing moves the library version to a production server, where it becomes visible and available to all Mastering users. Publishing is a one-time activity, after which instructors can add the item to assignments and students can access it.

See also:

Validating items

Fixing a validation error

Previewing an item

Committing items

Publishing a single item